After you’ve read the Harry Potter books more times than you can count, what’s left to do? Watch the movies of course! The first film came out in 2001 and was largely based on J.K Rowling’s first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Since then, Warner Bros has released eight films about the wizarding world, each one bringing back fond memories of potions class and Quidditch matches.
While there are certain aspects of the Harry Potter movies that seem outdated and cliche. There are also aspects that are still very enjoyable to watch today. Including these five reasons why Harry Potter movies are still worth watching years after their release.
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Reasons Why Harry Potter Movies Are Still Worth Watching:
1) Great Characters – Harry Potter

One of the most iconic aspects of the book series is its cast of compelling characters. Harry has so many flaws that make him a flawed hero, and he does not embody what you think is traditionally heroic in any way. It’s refreshing to see a protagonist who is not only flawed but not perfect. When I was growing up, my friends and I loved to pretend we were Hermione or Ron when playing pretend (or other games). They were always our favorite ones to be!
2) Interesting Plots

Even though the franchise has officially come to an end, it is worth watching the movies over and over again. I challenge you to watch them one more time and notice how many more details you pick up!
There are so many details that help to tell a wonderful story. Some of my favorite plot points happen right before something bad happens. Like when all of Ron’s brothers stop talking in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows – Part 1. Just before they are going to get on a dragon. Even though you know they don’t have time for chit-chat, it still makes me smile! There are also funny jokes that come up throughout all of them—like Hermione trying to talk to her cat in French or Hermione drinking butterbeer. Plus, some parts are pretty action-packed!
3) Interesting Locations – Harry Potter

Sitting at the top of the list is without a doubt, Hogwarts. The castle is a character all its own, each nook and cranny having an important role in the epic story that unfolds. One of my favorite parts of visiting Hogwarts is sitting on the steps leading up to it as I watch students passing by on their way to classes. Or vice versa with some passing out from being over-exhausted. It’s a perfect place for me to sit and reflect on all that I’ve seen so far in my life. To imagine what I want my future adventures to be like. What was your favorite scene in any movie? Let us know!
4) Excellent Soundtracks

One of the things that set the first film apart from others in its genre was its use of classical music to create an atmosphere. The score to The Sorcerer’s Stone combines orchestral instruments with some of John Williams‘ most memorable works. Including Hedwig’s Theme and The Mirror Montage.
You can still buy the soundtrack today, though it isn’t available digitally. Started as a children’s book: J.K Rowling published her novel for children as a story about a boy who went to the wizarding school when she needed something for her daughter on an airplane ride. She didn’t think anyone would read it because there were so many fantasy books out at the time, but instead, people all over the world loved it.
5) Amazing Special Effects – Harry Potter

As much as we love the creativity of J.K. Rowling. There’s no denying that the harry potter movie franchise has come a long way in terms of filmmaking and special effects. With over eight movies, as well as countless video games, you can explore Hogwarts and interact with its surroundings in more ways than ever before.
It also doesn’t hurt that the stories are timeless classics. As any fan will tell you, it takes time to read the books so if you want to see what happens next but don’t have time to read all 7 books, just watch the movie and enjoy the special effects!
They’re iconic, they’re inspiring, and they have all the makings of a classic. For those reasons, I believe that Harry Potter is still worth watching—if not now, then later. Plus there’s nothing better than re-watching them with friends or family to get everyone in the mood for upcoming festivities!