Since Bill Gates is the co-founder of one of the largest tech companies in the world, Microsoft, he is one of the richest men in our society as well. Apart from that, he has also made some significant contributions to several trusts and foundations. If you don’t know, most of the apps or web browsers we use for different purposes are under Microsoft. He contributed millions of dollars to promote awareness of health issues and also promote global health initiatives.
Because of his achievements and philanthropy, he is one of the most celebrated people in society. Continue reading to know some interesting facts about Bill Gates with some of his famous quotes that will leave you all inspired.
1) English Quotes
2) Hindi Quotes
English Quotes:
1) Bill Gates was born William Henry Gates III in Seattle in the United States.

2) The Microsoft company was first established in New Mexico in the city of Albuquerque.

3) With his childhood friend, Paul Gardner Allen, he co-founded the Microsoft company in 1975.

4) In the late 1990s, he became highly criticized for his business tactics.

5) Bill Gates is famous for being a business magnet and software developer.

6) He is also considered to be a successful philanthropist.

7) Bill Gates was the largest individual shareholder of the Microsoft company until May 2014.

8) He announced he will transition into a part-time working role in the year 2006 with the Microsoft company.

9) At the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates adopted a full-time work position in the same year.

10) Bill Gates had also left his position as a board member in the Microsoft company in March 2020.

11) Until he bought a plane in 1997, Bill Gates always flew in economy class.

12) He considered himself to be a follower of the Christian faith.

13) In his early teenage years, he wrote his first computer program.

14) In 2007, Bill Gates received an honorary degree from Harvard University.

15) Bill Gates is knowledgeable in several programming languages.

16) Bill Gates also works as an advisor to Satya Nadella.

17) Bill Gates got arrested at the age of 22 for speeding in New Mexico and for driving without a license.

18) During the early years of the company, Bill Gates was once a little too personal with his employees.

19) He has a shaky relationship with Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple.

20) Jeff Bezos surpassed Bill Gates on the Forbes list of the world’s richest people in 2017.

21) According to Bill Gates, Leonardo da Vinci was a major inspiration to him.

22) The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest private philanthropic institution.

23) Bill Gates enjoys playing golf and tennis in his spare time.

24) From a nomination from Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates accepted the Ice Bucket Challenge.

25) His childhood nickname is ‘Trey’ which means ‘The third’ of his name.

26) Interestingly, Bill Gates reads around 50 books each year.

27) For the Microsoft company, he has also appeared in a series of commercials.

28) The children of Bill Gates will inherit 0.0125% of his total net worth.

29) Bill Gates is also an honorary Knight Commander of the British Empire.

30) Bill Gates would have become a researcher in Artificial Intelligence if Microsoft tanked.

Hindi Quotes:
1) Thanks to his mother, Mary Maxwell, he is quite a philanthropy.

2) Included in the World Book Encyclopedia series, Bill Gates has read all the books.

3) Bill Gates had revealed he is color blind in a 2006 interview.

4) Bill Gates favors larger taxes for the wealthy and is also a large donor to the Democratic Party.

5) His favorite business book of all time is Business Adventures.

6) Bill Gates met his wife through his work at the Microsoft company.

7) According to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, water treatment is their biggest project.

8) In 2014, Bill Gates gave up the title of the largest shareholder in the Microsoft company.

9) One of Bill Gates’ favorite music groups is Weezer.

10) Earlier, a different name was applied for the Microsoft company.

11) At the age of 13, Bill Gates began using and working on computers.

12) As per Bill Gates, spam emails would no longer exist by the year 2006.

13) From an article in Popular Electronics, Bill Gates received inspiration to create Microsoft.

14) Bill Gates wanted to become a billionaire by the age of 30.

15) Hamburgers are the favorite food of Bill Gates.

16) Bill Gates has a schedule where each minute of each day is prepared in advance.

17) Bill Gates and his family live in Medina, Washington.

18) Steve Jobs once leaked the photos of Bill Gates from the time when he was younger.

19) Bill Gates is a fan of the film Spy Game.

20) If you don’t know, he has also published several books.

21) Bill Gates believes that robots will one day take over major jobs.

22) In the late 1990s, Bill Gates briefly became the world’s first centi-billionaire.

23) Stocks for the Microsoft company rose significantly in the year 1986 after the company had gone public.

24) Bill Gates built a program for Lakeside School for the student’s class schedules.

25) On his SATs, Bill Gates had a score of 1590 out of 1600.

26) The Microsoft company faced an antitrust lawsuit in 1998 from the U.S. Department of Justice.

27) To follow a trend, Bill Gates moved the Microsoft company from Albuquerque, New Mexico.