Stock Market is now a big thing, not only for adults, but also young teenagers are interested in Stock Market or Share Market, its essential to gain knowledge before participating, here are a few handpicked Trading Books as well as Stock Market Books. These Are MUST-READ Books for Beginners in Stock Market.
Top Five Trading Books:
1. New Trader Rich Trader:

New Trader Rich Trader is a book by Steve Burns, it is one of the best trading books you can read, New Trader Rich Trader is for beginners as well as experienced traders. New Trader Rich Trader talks about all the mistakes made by a trader which can be understood by the reader and worked on them. It Sure Is A Great Book. You can find it on Amazon.
2. How To Make Money In Stocks:
How To Make Money In Stocks is a beginner-level book which talks in detail about the basics of the stock market, this is truly one of the best stock market books you can get hands-on, even though it’s a bit costly, it will gain you much knowledge. You Can Find It On Amazon.
3. How To Make Money In Intraday Trading:
How to make money in intraday trading is a masterclass by India’s famous trader, it is one of the best option trading books, it talks about every aspect of intraday trading so if you want to learn from the best, this is it. You can find it on Amazon.
4. Trading In The Zone:
Trading In The Zone is one of the best trading books, it is an options trading book as well as a stock market book, it talks about psychology or a trader’s mindset. It surely is a good book to read, if you want to get into the trader’s mindset then give it a read. You can find it on Amazon
5. The Intelligent Investor (Hindi)
The Intelligent Investor Hindi is a translated version of the book The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham, it is one of the best stock market books in Hindi which can give you detailed knowledge about your investments, its a good investment guide. You can find it on Amazon.
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