Couple say their relationship’s stronger than ever now they sleep with other people


Embarking on an unconventional journey, a couple is openly sharing the unique secret to a relationship stronger than ever—they have embraced the practice of sleeping with other people. This departure from traditional monogamy, once generalized in Western culture, is gaining popularity and influencing people’s perspectives. Some argue that it enhances their bond. Let’s explore together what else this peculiar world has to offer.

The Polygamy- By Zoe and Matt

Zoe Grey, 31, expresses that her relationship with Matt, 36, has never been more content. The unconventional origins of their open relationship might raise eyebrows, stemming from Matt’s experience of being cheated on by girlfriends during his army deployments. Surprisingly, this infidelity evolved into a kink for Matt. When they met four-and-a-half years ago, they decided to embrace separate escapades. Matt allowed Zoe to be with other men as long as she shared videos. Soon, Zoe desired the same freedom for Matt, leading them to enter an open relationship, navigating unconventional paths to mutual satisfaction and happiness.


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Zoe, hailing from Cambridgeshire, UK, stated, “It’s different to any other relationship I have ever been in, but I have never been in a happier relationship.”

“There is so much trust between us. The fact we can have fun with other people eliminates the worry of cheating, lying, and sneaking around. The connection we have together is so strong, and our relationship is so solid. We go to events and have fun with other people together. We don’t go off separately with others,” added Zoe.


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I want to see you having….

Matt experienced initial shock when Zoe expressed her desire to witness him engaging in intimate activities with other women. “It was alien territory for him, and he was nervous when we first went to a club, but now we have the most amazing relationship and we are happier than we have ever been,” Zoe revealed. She emphasized that an open relationship was never something she opposed, expressing her open-mindedness and willingness to explore.


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She said, “We used a website to start off with when I first began meeting other men, and when I wanted to watch Matt with other women. Then we started going to clubs too. When we first started doing it, we had a rule of no kissing other people as it felt a lot more intimate, but over time this has changed, and now we are both open to kissing other people.”

“Our main ground rules now are that we both have to find the other couple or person attractive, being safe, and using protection. We have an amazing relationship now. With the lifestyle we have chosen, we have to be open and honest with each other, so we have no trust issues and we can talk about anything together,” added Zoe.


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“It’s definitely brought us closer together. It’s great. We’ve never felt like this in a relationship before.”

The occasional jealousy??

Zoe acknowledges that occasional bouts of jealousy may occur, but she asserts that it’s a natural part of the dynamic and underscores the significance of open communication.

“Being in an open relationship and having fun with other people has actually made our trust in each other stronger. If either of us wants to do something, we go and ask the other person, so there is no need to do anything behind our partner’s back.


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“We’re extremely happy, and everyone we have met in the lifestyle is also extremely happy with their choices. Everyone is so friendly, and there is no judgment. We’ve made lifelong friends by doing this.”

Open relationships—breaking norms or a path to profound connection? Zoe and Matt share their unique journey. What’s your take on unconventional love? Share your thoughts below!

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