Did Ross and Rachel marry again? Did Phoebe and Mike have kids? Did Monica and Chandler get divorced because of their differences?
Unfortunately, FRIENDS ended on 6th May 2004 when the last episode of the final season was live on TV. Fans had to bid goodbye to their favourite people, but we got lucky that OTTs served it afresh in their platforms. People have watched and rewatched the show several times already. But after the final show, no one got to what happened. It’s all anticipation that we are left with.
Now after years, we are in hopes of a reunion finally! To know more about the reunion and to check out the reunion rescheduling announcement by Matthew Perry, click on the line here.
The final episode was watched by millions where we saw Monica and Chandler go ahead in life with their twin babies, Erica and Jack. We all cried with joy when Rachel returned to Ross. And were all happy for Phoebe because she found her perfect family in Mike. Also, it was hard to see Joey struggling to cope up with all the changes around him. It’s often said that the people who stay behind are the most affected and in Friends, Joey was the one who was staying behind in the place where they used to hang out together always. But Joey acted quite maturely as he had no other choice but to smile and let life go on.
A short clip to help you rekindle those tough memories in you again:
But that can never be the end! In our imagination, the show went on, and on. It was hard to believe that there will never be a continuation of the best series ever made!
So I am leaping ahead to blurt out the characters from my head and say a story that I imagine would be the fate of the six friends who used to hang out at Central Perk.
You may have some other story with you too and that will surely be better than ours. So read our version and write out your own story as well in the comments.
Chandler and Monica:
Did they file for divorce because of their differences?
We are talking about Chandler and Monica and their love is too pure to get shattered with passing time. They seemed to give the cutest couple goals in the show. And even after the show, they continued to be coolest parents. Chandler was the funny one who used to pamper the kids while Monica was the tough one who makes the kids disciplined. And both of them are raising the kids in a great way.
Monica meanwhile is now more organised and paranoid about cleanliness because with her age it has just grown. But Chandler loves to pamper and follow her lady because that keeps her happy and cheerful. And he loves to see her smile even today after years of their marriage.
They have their own arguments where willingly or unwillingly Chandler doesn’t stand a chance to win but has to give up! But they sort things out in a very clean and romantic way always. In fact, they are the best couple one can ever imagine.
Phoebe and Mike
Did their marriage go well? And did they have kids?

Phoebe and Mike hail from different backgrounds and that gave them a tough time initially, They had to understand and respect each other’s habits and mindset to make things work. A special challenge was to get things sorted with Mike’s parents. They initially did not likePhoebe but eventually, after they realised how happy the couple is together, they gave in and made peace.
Since they are in love and enjoying life, they also planned to have a baby. Phoebe is no more so weird but has grown out to be more matured a lady, but yes a bit of craziness will always be with her because that’s what makes her special. Phoebe, as we all expected, now has a beautiful life, like she always wanted it to be. Her childhood was tough but her married life looks so beautiful. With Mike and her kid, she is happy like a child!
Joey Tribbiani
Is he a superstar yet?

Joey was the one who was left behind. Everyone took home a piece of happiness with them but not Joey. He was the one who was left behind in the same apartment but without his friends. Life was hard for him for many months but eventually, he made things work. He accepted the fact that they are happy in their life and it’s time for him to keep their best friends in the best corner in his heart and move ahead in life. With a lot of time left with him and excess money from “Days of Our Lives”, he made himself better in acting. He took occasional classes and interacted with different people in the industry (This time not just girls and not in his apartment) to improve.
He progressed in his career but his love life was not so good unless he made a girl with whom he again fell in love. And this time, luck has favoured him and now he is dating the girl with whom he might think of spending a lifetime. But let’s see how things work out for them. They have just begun their journey and marriage is still not on the table.
Ross and Rachel
Did they marry again?

We saw Rachel coming back to Ross and we were so pleased and also shed a tear of joy. But did they continue their love or were back to their “We were on a break mode”?
After Rachel returned, things were different this time, they had a kid to raise and were the only ones from the group left together. They would often miss the others and would connect with them on calls for hours. The emptiness from leaving behind the group and the responsibility of a child kept them bonded and together. They fought at times but not as wild as before because deep in their heart they knew they can’t afford to lose each other another time. They have loved each other for ages and losing that love would not be a wise decision.
Also, they were now matured enough to understand each other and support each other at their work as well. Since both had a career of their own, it helped them a lot when both were supportive.
Long story short, Ross and Rachel finally married again and this time it won’t get into divorce, at least not yet. They are raising Emma to be a beautiful girl and are enjoying their life together.
And yes, talking about Rachel, we can’t forget Gunther!
Sadly, for years he was a tragic lover who only needed Rachel in his life to make him happy. With Rachel gone, he became a grumpy boy at the counter. But after years, he accidentally met a young lady at Central Perk who left her purse at the counter. While he gave a call at his office and informed her about the purse, she asked him to come down at a place since she would not be able to. And that is how they went on their first lunch date! And then their story went on beautifully.