One of the most common phrases about life has to be – “school is the best time of your life”. The fun in classes, making lifelong friends and memories, sharing ‘tiffin ka Dabba’, sports and dance classes, and a bunch of life lessons that you learn as you grow up.
Nothing can beat the carefree and nurturing environment one gets during school life. If you are a pass-out student or someone who is still in school, there is nothing more fun than scrolling down a list of relatable school MEMEs to take a trip down memory lane. Here are our top picks for MEMEs about school life that you will always relate to.
1) Independence Day At School

Oh! Those were the amazing days where we would wake up bright and early, wear our crisp uniform, and proudly pin the small tri-color to our uniforms and carry flags to school. Standing in lines and singing the national anthems and participating in patriotic dances and songs will always be moments to cherish. But for everyone, the best time was the distribution of sweets to celebrate our National day. You truly learn to celebrate festivals in school. This is one of the MEMEs about school life.
2) School Toppers

Every classroom had a special group of students. Always first to raise their hands for every question, homework always completed, the masters of note-taking and go-to person for last-minute revision, they are none other than, the class toppers. This is one of the best MEMES latest as it clearly reminds us all of that one student who was never satisfied until perfection.
3) Biology classes

As funny as it is true, nobody paid as much attention to biology class till the reproductive unit came. The reason is simple, in a class full of 15 to 16 years old, who has always dealt with sex as a taboo, the sudden discussion about it openly in front of the class, came with embarrassment, silent chuckles, and jokes. The teachers always knew what would happen in the period and often has to brace themselves to keep the class in order. This moment is a worthy addition to our of MEMEs about school life.
4) A Teacher Will Face All Storms To Take A Class

One of the most exciting moments in class was the anticipation of a free period. A time to just relax and gossip with all your friends. Obviously, all students would wistfully look out the window and estimate if a teacher would take a day off due to the weather, but come hail or storms, teachers would always be present and take the class.
5) When You Don’t Know The Answer To Any Question

There is nothing worse than the feeling of dread you feel when you know that you cannot answer one right question in the entire question paper. Such situations always occur when we leave everything up to the late-night study session which, let’s be honest, a lot of us have done. In such times, we would do anything to score a single point and as this MEME shows, all tactics are welcomed. This is one of the best MEMEs about school life.
6) Results Day

All through our school life, it felt as though we were only studying for one all-important test- The Board Exams. All other classes, it seemed, were only the foundation for our Boards. When you class 10th or 12th, every moment was important. Between school extra classes and tuitions, by the time exams roll in, every student wants to do the best. So, when results day is upon us, all we can do is wait and hope for the best. This is certainly one of the realist MEMEs school students face.
7) Roll Number One At Had A Really Important Job

The student with the first roll no. in class was often the unluckiest. The first for activity, the person who had to sit in the front during the exams, the first name during attendance, and the first to give the viva, roll no. had to be the sacrificial lamb for the entire class. So when it came vivas, everyone hounded the first student for questions and the mood of the teacher. Roll no. 1 had to everyone’s informant. Such memories are perfect for MEMEs for school life.
8) When Rain Stops During School Time

As much as we love school, we all loved vacations more. Festive holidays, Sundays, and the occasional second Saturdays meant more time sleeping under the cozy covers. Whenever it rained at night, every student would pray to God that it continued till the morning for an extra holiday. But more often than not, the rain stopped and we all had to continue to get ready for the day in the soggy rainy morning. This face is the best for MEMEs school students can relate to.
9) Happiness When A Rule Is Passes In Favor Of Students

Every year different boards release different rules and regulations for a new academic year. The reception to such new notices is often very different. While there have been some rules in history, which left students dumb-struck and angry, certain rules are celebrated and welcomed. The new rule of conducting the Board exams in a new pattern to reduce the stress on students is a welcome change. This is certainly one of the MEMEs trending this year.
10) Trying To Make And Follow Time Tables During School Life

You never know where the time passes during school days. One day you are entering the first day of class and soon you have weeks left for your exams. In those times of stress, we all have resorted to one activity, making new timetables. These elaborate plans were timed down to a minute for each activity. The funny thing is the promise we use to make to ourselves after each day at night to religious follow the timetable from tomorrow, but alas the tomorrow never came.
11) When Teachers Take Up Lunch Break

When we come to come, we are fresh and energized. With breakfast in our tummies, the superhuman strength we get lasts us through assembly and 4 to 5 classes, but as soon as lunch break hits, we need to re-fuel ourselves. That break is not only important for food but also for our hangouts with friends and just walking around the campus. So if a teacher takes up our beloved lunch breaks, it turns us hostile. This is one of the best funny MEMEs trending right now.
12) When Teacher’s Complete The Syllabus In Any Way Possible

At the beginning of the year, every class is calm and interesting. Almost all teachers go slow with their syllabus and sometimes lets the class rest for few minutes. But mayhem strikes when the exams get near and the syllabus is not finished. Teachers then do everything in their power to complete entire books in one period. Faster explanations, smart module classes, taking up P.T. or dance classes, or scheduling extra classes, everything is fair to them. This is a good addition to our list of MEMEs, latest and funny.
13) Enjoying The Punishments

School and punishments, sometimes go hand in hand. While it is always advisable to behave during classes and learn from your punishments, but sometimes if you don’t enjoy your punishments then you will take half the fun out of school life. The classic punishment is when a teacher makes you stand outside the class. The options you have are these, you can stand out and sulk or enjoy the slight change and embrace everything you see outside while others are still inside.
14) School Teams And Favoritism

Look as much as everybody likes to hide it, there will always be some favorites of the teachers. Now it could be for their talent and hard work or it could be because the student is a teacher’s pet. This favoritism is harmless but sometimes it’s annoying when less deserving students get selected over others.
15) Exciting Things Only Happen When We Are Absent

Sometimes it seems as though the universe is against us. In regular classes, we stay in class, open our books and get ready to learn. But as soon as you stay absent for one day, someone had an embarrassing moment, the teacher gave a free period, the class had a party during lunch and basically, all things exciting had to happen that day.
16) History And The Never-Ending Dates

History is and will always remain a mystery. While you may fall in love with epic stories and the discovery of the past, dates, and timelines will always keep you up. There were certainly days when we diligently made notes on the proper sequences of events in a bid to learn all the dates, but in the end, it always seemed that mere minutes before the exams, all dates got jumbled in the head.
17) Growing Up And Acting Cool

Perhaps the best thing about school life is all the memories we make. Growing up can be hard. In an attempt to be cool and popular, we do stuff that now seems stupid. Be it using our newfound abusing skills, or not following rules, the thrill of being a rebel and going to the principal’s office seemed cool back then. Funny thing is, it is these embarrassing moments that make us grow up.
18) Morning Classes And Laziness

Classes are hard, morning classes are almost impossible. During school times, the day usually starts at 6 in the morning. By the time the first period starts, we are all but ready to sleep in class. In that state, it takes all the energy we can muster to sit upright in class and if somebody starts asking too many questions and disrupts us from our dreamland, it can really set us off.
19) When The Class Doesn’t Take The Monitor Seriously

There are generally two types of students who become monitors- the kind that is actually disciplined and the other misbehaving one that the teacher appoints to teach a lesson. Strangely enough, the misbehaving students take the role of monitor seriously and do their duties. But nobody takes them seriously and everyone knows their true nature. Definitely, one of the MEMEs latest pass-outs or present students can appreciate.
20) Exams Are Always Going To Be Tough

You could be a serious student who prepares notes all through the year in preparation or a late-night owl who randomly and infrequently opens a book, exams will be hard for all. Preparation of any exam can be limitless, with notes, books, past papers, or sample papers, you could do it all and still be scared for the exams. The best thing to do is relax and have faith in your preparations.