Some of the greatest wisdom on life has been penned by Lord Krishna in the ancient Hindu epic, The Bhagavad Gita, or Song of God. Here are twenty of my favorite quotes by this omnipresent, omniscient Lord Krishna that will inspire you and challenge your outlook on life.
1. “A man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

2. “Whatever happened, happened for the good; whatever is happening, is happening for the good; whatever will happen, will also happen for the good only. You need not have any regrets about the past. You need not worry about the future. The present is happening. live in the present.“ – Quotes Lord Krishna

3. “Never be concerned about the results your actions are about to create because they are not under your control. What you can really do is perform your part, the rest will happen as per the grand sanction.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

4. “Control your thoughts when alone and your words when with others” – Quotes Lord Krishna

5. “There are three gates to the self-destruction hell: Lust, Anger & Greed.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

6. “He who has no attachments can really love others, for his love is pure and divine.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

7. “Do everything you have to do, but not with greed, not with ego, not with lust, not with envy but with love, compassion, humility & devotion.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

8. “When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place” – Quotes Lord Krishna

9. “The mind acts like an enemy for those who do not control it.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

10. “We’re kept from our goal not by obstacles, but by a clear path to a lesser goal.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

11. “The only way you can conquer me is through love, and there I am gladly conquered.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

12. “whenever and wherever a decline of nobility occurs and the unrighteous triumphs over the righteous ones, I manifest myself as the Avatars, the incarnations of my supreme form. To establish righteousness, I shall come back age after age.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

13. “Things that are enticing are actually designed to test your capabilities to resist the offer. The more you can resist the temptation, the better you are as a human.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

14. “True knowledge persuades a man to aspire for knowing and analyzing the self.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

15. “In order to achieve something, you ought to sacrifice certain other things. No matter how much you try otherwise, in order to have the experience of something, you have to let go of other priorities.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

16. “There lies no shortcut to success. One who wishes to reach the ultimate goal of uniting with the Paramatma shall have to traverse the coarser path.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

17. “It is only befitting for any human to carry out his/her own responsibilities rather than depending on others for their own jobs.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

18. “Our sense organs are designed to be appeased with good feelings, sight, etc. However, these give rise to desires for worldly matter and hence, attaches to this mortal world, where, everything you have is short-lived and transient like the very body you take hold of.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

19. “You (Arjuna and other mortal people) are mere instruments to execute small roles in a gigantic design, and I (Krishna/God) am the doer.” – Quotes Lord Krishna

20. “The need for more can never get you satisfied. It is only when you feel satisfied that you can earn happiness for yourself.” – Quotes Lord Krishna