Gaur Gopal Das a prominent member of the international society of Krishna consciousness (ISKCON), a former electrical engineer in HP and is a popular motivational speaker.
Gaur Gopal Das Education:
He holds a diploma degree in Electrical Engineering from Cusrow Wadia Institute of Technology, Pune and a degree from College of Engineering, Pune.
Gaur Gopal Das Books:
Till now he has published two books one in 2018 named Life’s Amazing Secrets-How to find Balance and Purpose in Your Life and the other in 2020 named The Way of the Monk-The four steps to peace, purpose and lasting happiness.
Gopal Das Ji also has a YouTube channel with 3 million+ followers and 500+ million views. He has been awarded Youth Spiritual Award, Gandhi Peace Awards and many more.
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes:
- “The mind is what we use to perceive the world. We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.”

- “To move on and accept change is a sign of wisdom and maturity.”
- “We always have a choice: to listen to our lower self and indulge or to listen to our higher self and improve.”
- “Let your choice not circumstances define you.”
- “Open mindedness is appreciated by everyone.”
- “Every single day, ask yourself this question, am I doing a little better than what I was yesterday keep improving. Keep working on being a better version of yourself.”

- “A good leader is one who is a good follower of another good leader.”
- “It is important to fix our inner world to be effective in our outer world.”
- “Work for a cause, not for applause. Live your life to express, not to impress.”
- “Everybody is more or less going through challenging situations. What you tell yourself, internally decides whether you will sink or swim.”
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes on Relationship:
- “To let go if somebody has hurt us and to say sorry if we have hurt somebody, and letting things go is what makes relationship profound, meaningful and deep.”

- “When a man says sorry when he is wrong is called honest. A man who says sorry when he is not sure is called a wise man and a man who says sorry even when he is right is called husband.”
- “A man or a woman is known by the company they keep.”
- “When we feel accepted and loved for who we are, when we feel encouraged to work on ourself and make steady progress, we should know that we are in the right company.”
- “Forgiveness is the foundation of a meaningful, deep, true relationship.”
- “To accept someone when everything is going right is easy. But when things are falling apart around you and you stick together, that’s the test of a relationship.”

- “Familiarity breeds contempt. I replied, When we are overly familiar with people, we forget how important they are to us and correct way to behave with them.”
- “Offering gifts and accepting gifts, opening one’s mind and inquiring in confidence, sharing food and receiving food are the six exchanges that develop loving relationship.”
- “People who meditate develop a habit of practicing sincere gratitude which helps them in all their relationships.”
- “Our relationship is stronger when they contain a spiritual component. There are three different ways to become good friends with someone.”
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes on Love and Life:
- “You can be completely selfish, completely selfless or any of the combination in between. Life is a journey from being selfish to becoming selfless.”

- “To find purpose in life, you must go on a journey of self-discovery.”
- “Love is less about feelings. more about action in service to the beloved. It is not a noun; it is a verb. it is not so much about the beloved pleasing us but about us pleasing them.”
- “Live, love, lough, lead, leave. That’s life.”
- “If you want to change the way you feel, change the way you live.”
- “Live your life in such a way that those who know you but don’t know God will come to know God because they know you.”

- “The greatest crisis of life is not the crisis itself. It is losing hope and giving up.”
- “To love means to serve.”
- “Our greatest asset is the ability to choose and construct a life that is joyful, meaningful, and purposeful.”
- “Turning a house into a home is about transforming a building made of bricks and cement into a place of loving relationships.”
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes in Hindi:
- “जब तक मनुष्य दूसरे की उन्नति से जलता रहेगा, तब तक वह सुख और शांति का अनुभव नहीं कर पाएगा।”

- “जब हम एक ही चुटकुले पर बार-बार नहीं हँस सकते हैं तो फिर एक ही समस्या पर बार-बार क्यों रोते हैं।”
- “प्रबुद्ध लोगों के प्रभावों में से एक है कि उनके साथ रहने भर से लोग प्रेरित महसूस करने लग जाते हैं।”
- “दुसरो पर अपनी राय मत बनाओ, आप उनकी कहानी नही जानते हैं।”
- “लोग हमारे कहने से नही सीखते हैं, वे हमारे काम के उदाहरण से सीखते हैं।”
- “यदि आप वास्तव में जानना चाहते हैं कि आप कितने अमीर हैं, एक आंसू निकाले और देखें कि कितने उस आंसू को पोंछने के लिए आगे आते हैं।”

- “एक उद्देश्य के लिए काम करें, तालियों के लिए नहीं। अपने जीवन को व्यक्त करने के लिए जिएं, किसीको प्रभावित करने के लिए नहीं।”
- “गुच्ची सूट आपको तब तक संतुष्टि नहीं दिलाता जब तक आप किसी के चेहरे पर मुस्कान नहीं लाते। व्यक्ति की शुभकामनाएं आपके लिए और अधिक कर सकती हैं।”
- “चिंता कभी भी अपने दुखों का कल नहीं छीनती, वह तो केवल अपने आज के आनंद को छीन लेती है।”
- “अवसरों की प्रतीक्षा मत करो, उन्हें बनाओ।”
Gaur Gopal Das is monk whose ideologies and perspective on ancient Indian philosophy and modernity has made him a motivational coach to millions of people around the world. Just as Chanakya, the ancient Indian philosopher, offered timeless wisdom through his motivational quotes, Gaur Gopal Das continues to inspire and uplift individuals through his teachings. You can explore more motivational insights from great minds like Chanakya in our article on ‘Chanakya’s Motivational Quotes from his Book Chankya Niti,’ as they share the common thread of wisdom that transcends time and continues to guide us towards success and fulfillment.