Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion

Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar popularly known as Babasaheb Ambedkar was an Indian social reformer and political leader and an architect of Indian Constitution. In spite of being born in a Dalit family (considered untouchable in Indian society) he became leader of Dalits and then The Home Minister of India (1947-1951). He was a true leader for the oppressed class and was recognized by all section of society.

Throughout his political carrier he worked for the welfare of society specially for the women and downtrodden society. He was a powerful reformer and his views on social and religious issues have become inspiration for millions of people across the world.

Here are some Powerful and Famous Ambedkar Quotes:

Dr. B R Ambedkar Quotes on India:

  • “I do not want that our loyalty as Indians should be in the slightest way affected by any competitive loyalty whether that loyalty arises out of our religion, out of our culture or out of our language.
    I want all people to be Indians first, Indian last and nothing else but Indians.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar quotes on India
  • “They cannot make history who forget history.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on India
  • “Law and order are the medicine of the body politic and when the body politic gets sick, medicine must be administered.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on India
  • “History shows that where ethics and economics come in conflict, victory is always with economics. Vested interests have never been known to have willingly divested themselves unless there was sufficient force to compel them.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on India
  • “Equality may be a fiction but nonetheless one must accept it as a governing principle.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on India

Dr. B R Ambedkar Quotes on Indian Constitution:

  • “If I find the constitution being misused, I shall be the first to burn it.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution
  • “However good a constitution may be, if those who are implementing it are not good, it will prove to be bad. However bad a constitution may be, if those who are implementing it are good, it will prove to be good.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution
  • “Constitution is not a mere lawyers document, it is a vehicle of Life, and its spirit is always the spirit of Age.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution
  • “Democracy is not merely a form of Government…It is essentially an attitude of respect and reverence towards fellowmen.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution
  • “If you ask me, my ideal would be the society based on liberty, equality and fraternity. An ideal society should be mobile and full of channels of conveying a change taking place in one part to other parts.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution

Dr. B R Ambedkar Quotes on Hinduism and Casteism:

  • “In my opinion, it is only when Hindu society becomes a casteless society that it can hope to have strength enough to defend itself. Without such internal strength, swaraj for Hindus may turn out to be only a step towards slavery.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Hinduism
  • “Though, I was born a Hindu, I solemnly assure you that I will not die as a Hindu.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Hinduism
  • “Caste has however done one thing. It has completely disorganized and demoralized the Hindus.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Hinduism
  • “To the ‘Untouchables’, Hinduism is a veritable chamber of horrors.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Hinduism
  • “On the other hand, every Hindu is taught to believe that his civilization is not only the most ancient but that it is also in many respects altogether unique.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Hinduism

Dr. B R Ambedkar Quotes on Islam and Muslim:

  • “Indeed, the Muslims have all the social evils of the Hindus and something more. That something more is the compulsory system of purdah for Muslim women. These burka women walking in the streets is one of the most hideous sights one can witness in India.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Islam
  • “Everybody infers that Islam must be free from slavery and caste. Regarding slavery nothing needs to be said. It stands abolished now by law. But while it existed much of its support was derived from Islam and Islamic countries. Thus, the Koran, in this matter of slavery, is the enemy of mankind.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Islam
  • Islam can never allow a true Muslim to adopt India as his motherland and regard a Hindu as his kith and kin. That is probably the reason why Maulana Mahomed Ali, a great Indian but a true Muslim, preferred to be buried in Jerusalem rather than in India.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Islam
  • “The second defect of Islam is that it is a system of social self-government and is incompatible with local self-government, because the allegiance of a Muslim does not rest on his domicile in the country which is his but on the faith to which he belongs.
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Islam
  • “The realist must take note of the fact that while the Musalman accepts the European as his superior, he looks upon the Hindu as his inferior.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Islam

Dr. B R Ambedkar Quotes on Buddhism:

  • “The teachings of Buddha are eternal, but even then, Buddha did not proclaim them to be infallible.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Buddhism
  • “You must not only discard the Shastras, but you must also deny their authority, as did Buddha and Nanak. You must have courage to tell the Hindus that what is wrong with them is their religion—the religion which has produced in them this notion of the sacredness of Caste. Will you show that courage?”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Buddhism
  • “I do not want any blind followers. Those who come into the Buddhist religion should come with an understanding; they should consciously accept that religion.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Buddhism
  • “Siddharth Gautama rose in his seat and said, “I oppose this resolution. War does not solve any question. Waging war will not serve our purpose. It will sow the seeds of another war. The slayer gets a slayer in his turn; the conqueror gets one who conquers him; a man who despoils is despoiled in his turn.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Buddhism
  • “The law of Karma as formulated by the Brahmins, thought the Buddha, was calculated to sap the spirit of revolt completely. No one was responsible for the suffering of man except he himself. Revolt could not alter the state of suffering; for suffering was fixed by his past Karma as his lot in this life.”
Powerful Ambedkar Quotes on Constitution and Religion
Dr. BR Ambedkar Quotes on Buddhism

Dr. BR Ambedkar the man behind India’s Constitution radicalized Indian politics by arguing for the rights of women and lower caste. He brought about many social and religious reforms that transformed India to a better society which we are enjoying today. Still lot has to be done and his teaching inspire us and provoke our thoughts to make our society a better place for every person irrespective of religion, caste and sex.

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