Bigg Boss is no doubt one of the most controversial reality shows on Indian TV. Bigg Boss is entertaining its audiences for the past many years. It is one of the most controversial shows on Television and for many, it’s also the best reality show to have existed. Sometimes you see only a bunch of celebrities locked inside the house while sometimes it’s a mix of celebrities and not-so-famous people.
Even though some say it’s filled with anger and senseless elements, this show always managed to gain huge TRPs. TRP-worthy content is surely shown on your TV, but do you think that is all that happens inside the house? The editing team plays a major role and rolls out only the things that are necessary for the audience. But what about the rest? There are some dark and dirty secrets about Bigg Boss that are hardly discussed in the usual media and that is why only a few people know about them.
So, now let’s find out some of the most unpopular facts about the reality show, Bigg Boss, that will surely amaze you. Let’s dig into it:
1) Holy Books Are Not Allowed

None of the contestants are allowed to bring any kind of book inside the house, not even holy books like the Bible or Geeta. However, if any contestant wishes to read some of the Holy books, then Bigg Boss provides it to them inside the house.
2) Alcoholic Drinks Are Not Completely Banned

We all are aware of the smoking area in the Bigg Boss house. But, hardly anyone knows that Bigg Boss serves liquor as well to its contestants. For those celebs who find it difficult to survive without alcohol, the makers of the show take care of their needs. Allegedly, the show creators serve liquor in Juice Packaging.
3) Payment To The Contestants
The contestants get a salary in two ways inside the Bigg Boss house. Either they get their salaries on weekly basis or get a fixed amount of salary for the whole season at once. For example, it’s believed that Rashami Desai got 15 lakhs rupees per week but Rimi sen got 2 crores rupees for the whole season.
4) Getting Intimate Inside The House

Many times the couples on this show get intimate but that’s not shown on your TV screens, just because it’s edited out or censored out. The show is supposed to be a family show so showing such intimate moments by contestants would go against their motive. Sometimes in order to get intimate, it’s believed the housemates go into the washroom because that’s the only area in the complete house that has no cameras.
5) Pay Huge Fine If The Contestants Quit

Before entering the house, every contestant signs a contract. So according to that contract, if contestants decide to leave the show midway, they need to pay a huge amount of fine to Bigg Boss, which is allegedly 2 crores. So once someone is in, there’s usually no looking back unless they get eliminated.
6) Bigg Boss House Is More Of A Jungle

The Big Boss set is almost amidst a jungle set in Lonavala Hill Station Near Mumbai. Because of its secluded location and close to the natural environment, sometimes a few insects or small animals enter the house to surprise the residents. On many occasions, snakes and scorpions have also frightened the contestants inside the house.
7) Cleaning Staff Cleans The House

We have always seen contestants fighting over doing household duties. Since it is not practically possible for the contestants to clean the entire house of Big Boss themselves. So, once a week cleaning staffs come in and clean the complete premises. While the cleaning staffs are inside the house, contestants are shifted out and the doors remain closed since they are not allowed to get in contact with anybody from outside the house.
8) Even The Mirrors Have Cameras

It’s quite odd to see so many mirrors inside the house. These mirrors are often placed at places where they are not even needed. Well, now we have found the truth behind these mirrors and it perfectly makes sense. These mirrors have cameras behind them. Yes, you heard that right. There are cameramen who are continuously behind the mirrors to get the perfect shot of every activity that happens inside the house, even at night.
9) The Game Of Eviction

We love Big Boss so much that we often vote for our favorite contestants to help them win the show. Well, it is heartbreaking to know that the eviction is not entirely based on the votes of the fans. It also depends on the management team of Bigg Boss who gets evicted on the basis of TRPs. Now, we know why the contestants like Imam Siddiqui or Armaan Kohli went so far in the show.
10) No Discussion Before Joining The Show

Selected contestants are not allowed to discuss their joining in Bigg Boss. Until they enter the house, they need to shut their mouth completely. That is why no one’s ever sure about who would be coming in for the next season of the show.
11) No Promotion Of Branded Clothes

We often see celebs promoting different brands on different shows. However, Big Boss does not allow this. Celebs are not allowed to have clothes that have brand logos or names on them. The fact behind this being very simple that they do not want to promote any brand without getting promotion fees for it.
12) Sony TV Started Bigg Boss In India

In 2006 with Arshad Warsi as the host, Bigg Boss was first telecasted on Sony TV. However, Colors TV soon enough bought the broadcasting rights of Bigg Boss right from the second season. So Sony TV sold its right to Colors TV.
13) The Real Bigg Boss

The man behind the powerful voice of Bigg Boss is Atul Kapoor. He has also worked in many movies as a dubbing artist and some honorable mention here would be the voice of Jarvis in the “Iron Man Series”. He also dubbed the voice of James Moriarty in “Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows”.
14) Contestants Go Through A Checking Process

Before the contestants enter the house, a concerned Bigg Boss team goes through all the stuff the contestant carries into the house with them. All the bags are checked to make sure that they do not contain anything that is not allowed inside the house such as a watch, food items, mobile phones, etc.
And yes, you heard it right that inside Big Boss’s House you won’t get access to any watch. That’s the reason why the contestants sometimes lose track of time and have their lunch at odd times.
15) Bigg Boss Accepts Personal Requests Of Contestants

Celebs live in the Big Boss house for quite a long time. So, it is normal that they might need some special things which might not be in the house, to help them go on with their usual life and habits. Contestants can also make personal requests to the Bigg Boss team and ask for things like perfume, shampoo, etc. They can make their request in front of any camera in the house.
16) Contestants Get Outside Food As Well

We have seen contestants making food for everyone inside but it might get boring for any normal human. So keep things tasty inside the house, Bigg Boss provides meals from outside on weekends. So, weekends are kind of duty-free days for the contestants. Well, another reason to prefer outside food on weekends is the shooting of Weekend Ka War Episodes.
17) Salman Khan Never Watches Full Episodes

You may have noticed many times that while interacting with contestants on weekend ka war, Salman Khan says that he had watched the entire episode. Well, this is not the truth! He only watches a few selected clips from the episodes that are important.
18) Paranormal Activities Inside The House

As per reports, Big Boss contestants and crew members have at times experienced certain paranormal activities inside the house. Many are heard saying that the Big Boss house is haunted. The crew members also agreed to this when they admitted to having felt the presence of some weird-looking woman. They say to have seen her standing in the corner of a room. On the other hand, many crew members and contestants believe that it was nothing but their imagination.
19) Submission Of Medical Reports Of Contestants

Before the contestants enter the house, they have to submit their medical reports to the Bigg Boss team. They also have to submit their complete list of medicines with brands they are or have been using. All this information is important to keep track and provide the right medicines inside the house in case of any need. The team also has a doctor ready to attend to any emergency inside the house.
20) Say No To Social Media

Before the show starts, contestants cannot leak the news of their entry into the Bigg Boss house on any social media. They are liable to pay huge amounts as fines if they discuss their selection with anyone. Also, they might also get dropped from the confirmed list if any news gets spilled to the outside world by the contestants.
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