Rules Of Badminton: Top 9 Rules Every Beginner Must Know

Rules Of Badminton Mews

Badminton has seen a lot of growth in popularity over the past decade, and it’s now the most-played racket sport in the world. Badminton can be an intimidating sport, but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a try! Learn more about the rules of badminton as well as its equipment and strategy so you can enjoy it right away, no matter your skill level. You’ll quickly find that badminton is not only a fun way to get some exercise but also a great way to meet new people who share your interest in the sport. Here are 10 important rules every badminton beginner should know.

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Top 9 Rules Every Badminton Beginner Must Know

1) The Court – Rules Of Badminton

Rules of badminton
Photo Credit: BadmintonBites

A badminton court is 44 feet long and 20 feet wide. The line in the middle is called the center line and divides the court in half. The short lines at the end are called the service lines and mark the 3-foot-long service boxes. These boxes are where you must stand when serving the shuttlecock. The shuttlecock must clear the net, which is 5 feet tall in the middle and 6 feet tall at the posts, to land in your opponent’s half of the court.

2) The Net – Rules Of Badminton

Photo Credit: Sports Websites

The net in badminton is placed horizontally across the center of the court. It is 5 feet (1.524 meters) high at the posts and 3 feet (0.914 meters) high in the middle. A regulation-size net will have a white 6-inch (15.24-centimeter) wide top band. When the shuttlecock is hit into the air, it must go over the net so that it can land in your opponent’s half of the court.

3) Player Equipment – Rules Of Badminton

Rules of badminton
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In badminton, each player needs a racket and a shuttlecock. The shuttlecock is also called a birdie, and it is made of 16 feathers attached to a small piece of cork. The feathers are arranged so that the shuttlecock spins when it flies through the air.

4) Serving – Rules Of Badminton

Rules of badminton
Photo Credit: Get Good At Badminton

In badminton, a player scores a point by serving the shuttlecock over the net and into their opponent’s half of the court. A player must serve from behind the baseline and can serve either diagonally or straight. A player must also let the shuttlecock drop before hitting it and cannot hit it twice in succession. If the server hits the shuttlecock into the net, it is a fault. The server then gets another chance to serve, from anywhere within their service box.

5) Return Service

Photo Credit: Badminton Andy

In badminton, the player who wins the rally scores a point, regardless of whether they served or not. A player must serve from behind the baseline. The receiver must stand in their service court, which is diagonally opposite their opponent’s. Service must be alternated between opponents every two points. If the receiver fails to return the shuttlecock, or it goes out of bounds, the server scores a point. The first player to score 21 points wins the game.

6) Service Rules And Scoring Of Badminton

Rules of Badminton
Photo Credit: YouTube

Badminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net. Although it may be played with larger teams. The most common forms of the game are singles (with one player per side) and doubles (with two players per side).

Badminton is often played as a casual outdoor activity in a yard or on a beach; formal games are played on a rectangular indoor court. Points are scored by striking the shuttlecock with the racquet and hitting it over the net. So that it lands in the opponent’s half of the court. The opposing player must use a racquet to strike the shuttlecock back over the net within a certain number of touches. If either side fails to strike the shuttlecock over after three touches, then they lose that point.

7) Fault Play – Rules Of Badminton

Rules Of Badminton
Photo Credit: The Badminton God

When a player hits the shuttlecock over the net and into their opponent’s court, they score a point. If the shuttlecock hits the ground or goes out of bounds, then the opposing player scores a point. A player can also lose a point if they hit the shuttlecock into the net, if they double-hit the shuttlecock, or if they hit it before it crosses over the net. The game is played to 21 points and players must win by two points.

8) Marking Service Courts

Rules Of Badminton
Photo Credit: Sports Roid

In badminton, the service courts are located in the middle of the court on either side of the net. The right service court is indicated by a line running parallel to the right sidelines, and the left service court is indicated by a line running parallel to the left sidelines.

To serve, stand behind the back boundary line and hit the shuttlecock so that it passes over the net and into your opponent’s service court. Your opponent must then hit the shuttlecock before it hits the ground in their court.

9) Overhead Smashes – Rules Of Badminton

rules of badminton
Photo Credit: Master Badminton

One of the most powerful shots in badminton is the overhead smash. When performed correctly, it can be an almost unreturnable shot. Here are a few tips on how to execute an overhead smash with power and accuracy.

Place your weight squarely over your back foot and hold your racket straight up high with both hands and arms extended all the way over your head. Get into position to strike by bending your knees and pushing down hard with both feet. As you strike the shuttlecock with full force from high above your head, transfer all of that momentum into pushing yourself back down as fast as possible.

Now that you know the top 9 rules of badminton, you’re ready to get out there and start playing! Remember to have fun and enjoy yourself – that’s what the game is all about. And if you ever have any questions, be sure to ask a seasoned player or consult an official rulebook. With practice and time, you’ll be a badminton pro in no time!